Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

The Manuscripts, Collectibles and Space Auction

Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 941
Meteorite Campo del Cielo 27.5 Pounds. These new Campo del Cielo iron-nickel meteorites have an esthetic shape with its iron-nickel surface covered with desirable regmaglypts (thumbprints) that formed when the meteor passed through Earth's atmosphere. This large 7.5X6X4.5 inch 27.5 pound complete meteorite has an esthetic shape with many regmaglypts. It looks like what you would expect a large iron-nickel meteorite to look like. First recorded by the Spanish in 1576, the huge fall of Campo del Cielo (Valley of the Sky) iron-nickel meteorites occurred thousands of years before. The best quality Campos such as this splendid specimen were recovered high in the mountains where their surface was not rusted away by ground water. The Campo field has been mostly explored and the price of quality Campos is rising dramatically as new specimens are getting to be very difficult to locate and demand for meteorites has been steadily increasing. A five pound Campo del Cielo meteorite sold for over $3000 in a New York auction in September, 2007.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 3,000.
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Lot 942
Tissint Martian Meteorite. At about 2 A.M. on July 18, 2011 a bright fireball was observed Any meteorite recovered from an observed fall becomes highly sought after and highly valued but Tissint was not just any meteorite, it turned out to be a very rare meteorite that originated on the planet Mars. This meteorite was identified as being from Mars by analyzing its oxygen isotopes. The composition of the oxygen isotopes from Mars is different from the composition of the oxygen isotopes from Earth and just like a fingerprint identifies this meteorite as being from Mars.
Because this meteorite is so fresh and was recovered within weeks of its fall in an arid desert, it has tremendous potential for scientists to analyze it to determine the conditions on Mars at the time it was formed and even possibly to find organic matter that might indicate the presence of life. In April 2012, a team of scientists at the Buckingham Center for Astrobiology and Cardiff University led by Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe and PhD student Jamie Wallis have indeed found what they claim to be signs of fossilized life in the Tissint meteorite. Using a powerful electron microscope they found tiny egg-shaped carbon rich globules from the interior of one of the Tissint Martian meteorites. Jamie Wallis believes that these organic spheres are proof of fossil life on Mars 400-500 million years age and are probably remnants of polysaccharide shells surrounding algal type cells. Other scientists are currently trying to confirm these findings.

Bubbles within this meteorite could still contain traces of the Martian atmosphere. The glossy black fusion crust looks like glass being so fresh and the interior is a pale gray color with some pale yellow olivine macrocrysts. The host rock solidified out of Martian magma 400-500 million years age and was blasted off the surface of Mars by an asteroid impact around one million years ago. The largest 2.4 pound Tissint meteorite was purchased by the British Museum for over one million dollars and is considered to be the most important meteorite in their collection and the most important meteorite fall in over 100 years. This fresh specimen measuring 13X 10X5 mm and weighs 1.3 grams with an view inside the meteorite revealing traces of fusion crust, a light gray matrix with some rust brown inclusions and a number of sizeable crystals. Presented in a 8X6 inch Riker mount with a picture of the egg globule and Mars. With flowing water now confirmed on Mars, the search for living life and fossil life on Mars will intensify with Martian meteorites the only way to find traces of fossil life.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
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Lot 943
Meteorite From Largest Meteor Strike Since 1907. At 9:20 A.M. on the morning of February 15, 2013 a large 8-10 ton 50 foot long meteor exploded 10-15 miles above the ancient city of Chelyabinsk, Russia with the force of over 500,000 tons of TNT 10 times the force of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945. More than 1,500 people were injured from flying glass and debris from the resulting shock wave. This was the largest meteor event since a large meteor exploded over a remote area of Siberia in 1907. Because of the immense explosion and ablation through Earth's atmosphere, most of the meteor was either burned up or blasted into a fine powder. More than 95% of the recovered meteorites are extremely small, less than 3 grams in weight. This beautiful fresh 45X28X8 mm complete specimen weighs 24.1 grams which is much larger than the vast majority recovered. This example has a fresh dark brown fusion crust covering the entire top half of the meteorite with the bottom side offering a window inside of the meteorite with some glassy black fusion crust just starting to from and displaying its light gray matrix mixed with specks of iron and rust orange chondrules. It is not possible to obtain a fresher meteorite and it is very valuable for study in that there has been no contamination with Earth rocks and erosion. Comes housed in a 8X6 inch Riker mount with a photo of the explosion.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500.
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Lot 944
Meteorite Blade Knife. This beautiful 7 inch long Meteorite Blade Knife has a four inch blade made from a slice of the Muonionalusta iron-nickel meteorite along with a polished Tinguaite handle. Tinguaite is a fine grained dark green igneous rock from Kola, Russia consisting of feldspar and nepheline and being a lovely dark green color with an estheitic geometric design. The four inch long meteorite blade is 1.25 inches wide with 2/3 of the blade polished to show the Widmanstatten pattern and 1/3 of the blade of polished reflective iron-nickel. Muonionalusta is an iron-nickel meteorite that was found in Norrbotten, Sweden in 1906. Widmanstatten patterns form when the two alloys of nickel Kamacite and Taenite separate in the iron core of the large asteroid that was destroyed by collision with another large asteroid in the asteroid belt billions of years ago. This separation and pattern form only when the iron core cools at a rate of only a few degrees per million years and is not found on any iron-nickel stones on earth. This valuable and beautiful meteorite knife comes with a small plastic stand for display.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500.
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Lot 945
Large Stony Meteorite. Most stony meteorites are small because the larger stony meteorites usually break apart or explode high in earth's atmosphere before they contact the earth. This large 6X5X4 inch 3,382 gram (7.5 pound) complete stony is one of the exceptions. It is designated as an unclassified NWA meteorite meaning that it was found by Berbers in the Sahara desert of Morocco and has not been sent into the meteorite institute for classification. This meteorite is completely original just as found in the Sahara desert and has a wind and sand blown surface with just traces of the original fusion crust. A 2.25X2.25 inch window has been cut on one end to reveal the interior of this large stony meteorite. The dark brown matrix is filled with various sized chondrules and flecks of iron-nickel metal.
Estimated Value $900 - 1,100.
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Lot 946
Martian Mini-Meteorite Complete And Uncut. Meteorites from the planet Mars are so rare that only small fragments are available for sale. These rare meteorites have been identified as being from Mars because of their chemical analysis and age. They are younger than most of the meteorites from the asteroid belt that were formed at the same time as the solar system 4.5 Billion Years Ago. It is believed that Martian meteorite NWA 7397 was blasted off the surface of Mars by a meteorite impact around 2.1 million years ago. In 2012 in the Sahara desert near Smara, Morocco a 2.1 KG meteorite and a number of small individual meteorites with a total weight of less than 5 Kg were found and submitted for analysis. This Martian meteorite(named NWA 7397) was found to be a poikilitic Shergotite with two different textural regions. This uncut meteorite is 17X11mm weighing 2.26 grams and has more than 30 percent of its original dark brown fusion crust from burning in the Earth's atmosphere. The inside of the meteorite can be also studied showing a number of the olivine and chromite ovoid crystals. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a complete meteorite that you can hold in your hand from the planet Mars. Preserved in a 8X6 inch Riker mount.
Estimated Value $800 - 900.
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Lot 947
Meteorite Sikhote-Alin With Regmaglypts. This large size, 3X1.75X.1.25 inch, 357.8 gram Sikhote-Alin iron nickel meteorite is the rarer of the two types possessing regmaglypts, small crater-like impressions that formed by ablation of Troilite when the meteorite was streaking through the sky at high temperature. The large meteorite body broke up twice during its fall to earth with only the higher breakup creating the meteorites with the regmaglypts, the lower breakup creating the shrapnel type meteorites. This meteorite is special in that it is covered with various sized regmaglypts and a sharp central peak on top and there are even some delicate flow lines remaining from the melting that took place during the meteorite passing through the earth's atmosphere. Having fallen on Feb. 12, 1947 in Siberia, Sikhote-Alin iron-nickel meteorites are the best preserved of all known iron-nickel meteorites. Illusion display stand included.
Estimated Value $800 - 1,000.
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Lot 948
Meteorite Campo del Cielo 5.5 Pounds. This 5.25X3.5X2.5 inch Campo del Cielo iron-nickel meteorite is exceptional as it contains regmaglypts. Regmaglypts (thumbprints) formed when the meteor passed through Earth's atmosphere, explosed and the troilite (iron sulfide) in the meteorite melted before the meteorite struck the earth. First recorded by the Spanish in 1576, the huge fall of Campo del Cielo (Valley of the Sky) iron-nickel meteorites occurred thousands of years before in Argentina. It is interesting to note that Iron-Nickel meteorites were the strongest metal objects know to mankind before the discovery of steel. Swords forged from meteorite iron were much stronger and less brittle than swords made from cast iron because of the high nickel content of the meteorites. This desk sized iron-nickel meteorite would make an "out of this world" paperweight.
Estimated Value $600 - 700.
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Lot 949
Meteorite Campo del Cielo Etched Section. The famous iron-nickel meteorite Campo del Cielo fell to the earth over 4,000 years ago in mountainous region of Gran Chaco, Argentina, 500 miles north-northwest of Buenos Aries, in one of the largest and undoubtedly most dramatic falls in the last 10,000 years. This heavy 3.25X3.5 inch section weighs over 3.5 pounds and has been polished and etched to show its Widmanstatten pattern. This spectacular section has fusion crust and regmaglypts on three sides and has been beautifully etched on three sides showing the coarse octahedrite pattern of this Type 1A iron-nickel meteorite with also interesting troilite inclusions.
Estimated Value $600 - 700.
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Lot 950
Meteorite Gem Quality Stony. There are basic three types of meteorites, stony, stony-iron (Pallasites) and Iron-Nickel. All three types of these meteorites come from the asteroid belt (except for the Mars, Moon and Vesta meteorites) and formed when our solar system formed some 4.57 billion years ago making them far older than any rocks found on earth. This gem quality 3X2.5X1.75 inch 372.7 gram (nearly one pound) was found in the Sahara desert and is designated as a non characterized NWA meteorite. It is magnetic like all stony meteorites that do not come from a planet and is probably an ordinary chondrite meteorite with chondrules. Chondrules are mostly round bits of material that cooled and joined together to form the asteroids and planets when the solar system was formed. What makes this stony meteorite special is its esthetic shape and being completely covered in its original fusion crust with a bit of desert sand in its crevices. It looks as fresh as if it fell yesterday. It comes with a stand for display and would make an excellent example of a stony meteorite in any meteorite collection.
Estimated Value $500 - 600.
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Lot 951
Pallasovka Pallasite Meteorite. Pallasites are the rarest of the iron-nickel meteorites and are known as gemstones from space as they contain olivine crystals the gem form being known as Peridot within the matrix of the iron-nickel. Pallasovka is one of the scarcer Pallasites with only a single meteorite weighing 198 Kg being found about 18.5 Km from the famous town of Pallasovka. The town of Pallasovka was named after Peter Pallas who found the Krasnojarsk meteorite in 1749. This 75.9 gram polished slice is 3.25X2X .17 inches with more than 50% of its iron- nickel surface covered with olivine crystal with a few of them being slightly translucent in yellow and orange colors. The quality of the olivine crystals is excellent but the translucence is reduced because of the thickness of the slice. Presented in a 5X4 inch Ryker box.
Estimated Value $500 - 700.
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Lot 952
Meteorite American Pallasite Brenham. The Brenham pallasite fell to earth some 1,000-2,000 years ago in Kiowa County near Haviland, Kansas. It is the most famous of all American pallasites and was perhaps the largest fall of a pallasite in recorded history with over 6 tons of recovered meteorites. Although the local Indians knew of this meteorite, it was not officially discovered until 1882 and designated a pallasite which is a mixture of an iron-nickel matrix with crystals of olivine. This large 3X2.4 inch 44.8 gram slice has been polished on both sides with more than 50% of its iron-nickel matrix filled with olivine crystals including some olivine crystals that when viewed through a light source are a translucent yellow-green in color. Because of their demand and high value, it is rare to be able to purchase larger slices of Pallasites. This affordable good sized slice is presented in a 5.5X4.5 inch Riker Mount.
Estimated Value $500 - 700.
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Lot 953
Meteorite Necklace With Round Beads and Gold Spacer Beads. This 18.5 inch long meteorite necklace is made up of 42, 8mm round NWA 869 meteorite beads and thirteen 14 carat gold spacer beads with a .5 inch 14 carat gold filigree clasp. Because of the great loss of meteorite (up to 80%) no more beads will be made in the future. The remaining NWA 869 meteorites have much more value as intact meteorites. The distinctive chondrules (round silicon inclusions) are present on these hand cut and polished beads to prove that they are authentic stony meteorites. This rare and unusual piece of meteorite jewelry comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Estimated Value $500 - 700.
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Lot 954
Brazilian Amethyst Geode. A large cone shaped Amethyst Geode with gorgeous purple crystal points, 18 x 12 x 12 in., blue/green hued outer shell. The end of the geode has been cut off to create a cave-like view of the beautiful purple crystals. Amethyst is the most valuable type of quartz, and it has a high iron content that gives it the beautiful purple or lavender color. (Amethyst Geodes were formed millions of years ago in hot lava as gas pockets, fluid silica then penetrated inside, together with combinations of iron particles, thus creating the purple tone. A huge Amethyst Geode may be just what you need to promote healing, sobriety, piety, celibacy, love, happiness, and good dreams, at least according to popular myths. This exquisite Amethyst Geode is perfect for displaying and certain to create some sparkling conversation.Weight 34 pounds.
Buyer responsible for third party shipping.
Estimated Value $500-UP.
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Lot 955
Gold Meteorite Bracelet. This rare and unusual rolled gold bracelet has nine rectangular 10X3mm meteorite beads imbedded in a thick rolled 14 karat gold bracelet. Each of the rectangular beads has been carefully cut from an ordinary chondrite stony meteorite NWA 869 that formed at the origin of the solar system 3.57 billion years ago. No rocks on earth have this chondrite structure because it was destroyed millions of years ago through volcanism. Chondrites of all shapes and sizes are visible in each of the nine rectangular meteorite beads. This bracelet is both beautiful and scientifically interesting. This is a very rare opportunity to buy meteorite jewelry as most meteorites are worth much more just as intact meteorites. Comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Estimated Value $400 - 600.
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Lot 956
Meteorite Necklace With Fossil Coral Cabachon. This unusual 17 inch long NWA 869 stony meteorite necklace made up of genuine irregular shaped meteorite pieces has a 2 inch sterling silver extension chain, a sterling silver lobster claw clasp and a 1.25X.75 inch cabachon made out of 15 million year old coral from Florida that has been polished on both sides with a burnt orange color and revealing excellent detail on each individual coral animal. An interesting combination of a 4.57 billion year old meteorite that formed when our solar system formed with a 15 million year old fossil being brought together to form a beautiful piece of jewelry. Shipping: $15.
Estimated Value $375 - 500.
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Lot 957
Meteorite Jewelry With Vile Of Moon Dust. A very important discovery was made in hot Sahara desert in July, 2007 when meteorite hunters found the largest, freshest and most important of all Lunar meteorites so discovered and weighed over 25 pounds. The complete meteorite is in the Hupe Collection. This .8 inch glass vial with a sterling silver screw top contains a generous 50 milligrams of cut material from this important Lunar meteorite. The meteorite pieces are in the form of small to large grains and a light gray in color. The silver vial has been hung on a 18 inch leather cord and can be worn by either a man or a woman who can have real moon dust around their neck to amaze their friends. Comes with an authenticity card that is from the Hupe Collection.
Estimated Value $250 - 375.
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Lot 958
Lucite Cube Containing Particles of a Martian Meteorite. This historic 2.5 inch Lucite cube containing 1/10 carat of particles from the Martian meteorite Zagami comes with its original Mars Owners Manuel which contains many details concerning meteorites in general and Martian meteorites in particular. We know the Zagami meteorite originated on the Planet Mars from its ozygen isotopes and even small pockets of Martian air which matched the 1976 Viking lander's analysis.
Estimated Value $250 - 400.
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