Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 6

Manuscript and Collectibles Auction

Autographs, Books and Manuscripts
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 779
Lombard, Carole. Archivally framed to an overall size of 11 x 12 ½ ". (1904-1942) Effervescent screwball comedy siren, one of the greatest comic actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Married to Clark Gable in 1939, she was one of Hollywood's most popular stars at the time of her death in an air crash.

Inscribed Photograph Signed. Charming Sepia-tone headshot, approximately 5 x 7 ", [Hollywood, California], n.d. Soft, smiling headshot of the actress giving off a mood of demure sensuality, holding her head in her hands, and staring straight at the camera with large, prancing eyes. Inscribed.

"To Stubby Webster Cordially - Carole Lombard."

Very Fine.
Estimated Value $500 - 750.
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Lot 780
  MacArthur, Douglas. Very Fine. (1880-1964) US General. After serving with distinction in WWI, MacArthur was made commanding General of the US armed forces in the far east in 1941, and from Australia directed the recapture of the Southwest Pacific. He formally accepted the Japanese surrender, and commanded the occupation of Japan (1945-51). In 1950 he led the UN forces in the Korean War, defeating the North Korean army, but was relieved of command when he tried to continue the war against China.

First Day Cover Signed. Postmarked "MacArthur, W. VA., April 15, 1942, " with a detailed cartographic cachet depicting a map of the Southwest Pacific and includes a stamp-sized photograph of the famous general, who has boldly signed in full above the postmark, "Douglas MacArthur." The cover commemorates the "First Day Post Office Dedication In Honor of General Douglas MacArthur, MacArthur, Raleigh County, West Virginia."
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 781
Madison, James and James Monroe. Moderately age-toned, with two minuscule areas of paper loss along centerfold. 4th and 5th President of the United States, 1809-1817 and 1817-1825, respectively.

Partially Printed Document Signed by James Madison as President and James Monroe as Secretary of State. One page, oblong Folio on vellum, Washington, DC, January 25, 1812. Being a Land Grant to Mescheck Walker, a corporal in the U.S. Army, of 100 acres in a tract of land reserved for military veterans. The document is unusual in that it explicitly provides land not only for military veterans but also for "…the society of the United Brethren for propagating the gospel among the heathen," clearly a mandate from Congress to accelerate Westward expansion. Fine.
Estimated Value $1,250 - 1,750.
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Lot 782
Mayer, Louis B. Two hole punches at top center, otherwise fine. Cosigned by W.L. Stern of Universal Pictures, with annotations by Stern in the left-hand margin. (1885-1957) Film mogul, who turned a nickelodeon into MGM Studios, and was instrumental in the creation of Hollywood and the establishment of the star system.

Typed Letter Signed. One Page, Quarto, on engraved MGM letterhead, Culver City, California, January 7, 1927. Adressed to Universal Pictures Corporation. Interesting legal letter regarding the "services" of Miss Renee Adoree, loaned to Universal Pictures for the making of their picture, Back To Gods Country. Mayer writes, as Vice-President of MGM:

"Gentlemen:- Referring to our agreement of November 26th, 1926 covering the loan to you of the services of Miss Renee Adoree in your picture, Back to God's Country: This is to confirm our further understanding that the term of Miss Adoree's engagement with you shall commence on Tuesday [which has been expunged and replaced by "Monday"], February 1st, 1927, instead of on the date stipulated in said agreement. Except as hereinbefore expressly set forth, said agreement of November 26th, 1926 shall not be modified of amended in any particular, but shall remain in full force and effect…Yours very truly, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corporation By LB Mayer " .

Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 783
Mc Auliffe, Sharon Christa (1948-1985). American educator and astronaut, died on the "Challenger" disaster.

She received her bachelor of arts degree from Framingham State College, Massachusetts, in 1970 and a masters in education from Bowie State College, Maryland, in 1978. Christa McAuliffe was selected as the primary candidate for the NASA Teacher in Space Project (TISP) on July 19, 1985, from over 11,000 teacher applicants from the United States. Vice President George Bush announced that Christa was NASA's unanimous choice to be the first teacher in space.

McAuliffe's voyage on the Challenger mission was to include live lessons to school children sent across the U.S. via satellite. Project "Classroom Earth" was to include two lessons by McAuliffe, "the ultimate field trip" and "Where we've been, where we're going and why". Her goal as the first teacher in space was to "humanize the Space age by giving a perspective from a non-astronaut".

McAuliffe began teaching in 1970. She taught American History and English to 7th and 8th graders, as well as economics, law, American history and social studies to high school students in Concord, New Hampshire. She also developed and taught her own new course, "The American Woman."

Photograph Signed. Color, 8 x 8", cropped at the bottom edge, n.d., n.p. An official NASA publicity photograph of the astronaut and "Teacher in Space" Sharon Christa McAuliffe, who perished in the January, 1986 explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Christa has signed the photograph at upper right in full, "Christa McAuliffe."
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 784
McKean, Thomas. Faint stain on verso of slip on which the signature appears, which shows through slightly, but does not impair the writing. Delicately penned in ornate, even strokes, "Tho M:Kean President." (1734-1817) American Revolutionary politician and jurist. Delaware member of the Continental Congress and the Congress of the Confederation (1774-83) and its President (1781). Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Chief Justice and Governor of Pennsylvania.

Cut Signature as President of the Continental Congress. On a slip of bond approximately 3½ x 1½", archivally mounted to a larger sheet of heavier stock. Overall size 5¼ x 7½".
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 785
McKinley, William. Lightly age-toned/soiled, slight fading of "William" in signature. Attractively matted and framed with an engraved plaque and a color print of McKinley, to an overall size to 15 x 17½". (1843-1901) 25th President of the United States, 1897-1901.

Typed Letter Signed As President. Two pages (including integral blank), small Quarto, on Executive Mansion letterhead, Washington DC, November 17, 1900. Addressed to Mr. Charles Henry Butler of Yonkers, NY, in full:

"My dear Sir: Please accept my cordial thanks for the message of congratulation which you were good enough to send. Assuring you that your kindly thoughtfulness is appreciated, believe me, Very sincerely yours, William McKinley." On verso of second leaf, Butler has penned an interesting notation: "Wells: I have taken title to the Nep. Ave lot in your name. Will you & Harriet please sign the enclosed - keep one copy & file the other with the Christ papers. Yours CHB."

Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 786
  Men of Letters. Also includes a TLS with the stamped signature of Franklin W. Hooper on the ornate letterhead of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences. Condition ranges from Very Good to Fine, with most of the letters being in fine condition. Lot of Five Autograph Letters Signed et al. Group of belle lettres consisting of the following lots:

A. Autograph Letter Signed by Bret Harte. Three pages, recto/verso, in purple ink, [New York], April 5, 1873. Interesting letter concerning the copyright to Harte's "Spanish Papers." He writes: "Gentlemen: I enclose the Introduction to the "Spanish Papers," and trust to follow shortly with remaining Preface. Would it not be advisable to have title page printed, copyrighted and entered at Stationers Hall, London, as quickly as possible?…Hearing that Hotten had sent for a stenographic report of my lecture here for publication then I copyrighted it from a printed proof while I was in Canada. I think this has stopped Hotten's little game. Let me know if simply sending my certificates to Stationers Hall, London will be sufficient to secure the right in Great Britain." Signed in full, "Bret Harte."

B. Autograph Letter Signed by Havelock Ellis. Two pages, recto/verso, on personal letterhead, Quarto, London, May 7, 1907. Interesting letter to the great Viennese ethnologist Frederich Solomon Krauss concerning his journal "Anthropophyteia". Havelock Ellis writes: "I was most pleased to receive your very friendly letter, with its kind remarks about my work, and I am much obliged to you for enabling me to obtain "Anthropophyteia" at a reduced rate. I have already written to Leipzig for Vol iii. Later on I hope I may be able to buy other volumes of this work, but I cannot spend so much on books as I should like to. I congratulate you on the great work you are engaged in, and on the valuable results you have achieved. If at any time I have any contribution to offer that would be at all suitable for "Anthropophyteia" I will not fail to communicate with you.…Havelock Ellis." Krauss was co-editor, with Magnus Hirschfeld, of Zeitschrift Fur Sexualwissenschaft, the first journal devoted to sexual psychology, a field of great interest to Havelock Ellis, and one which would have a huge impact on modern medical science.

C. Autograph Letter Signed by Horace Greeley. Two pages, recto/verso, Octavo, on New York Tribune letterhead, New York, NY, June 9, 1872. Interesting letter concerning travel plans and a biography his correspondent has written, which Greeley takes to task. With a holograph postscript additionally signed, "H.G."

D. Autograph Letter Signed by Edward E. Hale. Two pages, recto/verso, Octavo, Roxbury, Massachusetts, March 7, 1893. Interesting letter explicating a memorial plaque in Revolutionary War-era Boston: "…The memorial tablet on the site of the old fortifications at South Boston bears the name of the major who put it up, but does not bear the name of Gen.Thomas who built the works, of Gen. Ward who planned them, or of Gen. Washington who ordered them. Such is fame; and it seems to me that the business of the Society is to clean up just such absurdities."

E. Autograph Letter Signed by Economist Henry George. One page, Octavo, n.p., December 29, 1884. Business-like letter concerning payment for articles printed in the periodical Truth, and upcoming travel plans.Chipped at top left.

F. Three Free Franks Signed by Clerk of the House of Representatives John Forney. Three Free Franks, all on 5 x 3" covers, all from May, n.y., to R.A. Erving, Esq. of Hartford, Connecticut. Fine.
Estimated Value $300 - 600.
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Lot 787
  Men of Science. All items are in Very Good to Fine condition, with most being fine. Lot of Four Autograph Letters Signed and One Signed Photograph. Empirically-minded lot consisting of the following items:

A. Two Letters Signed by Nobel Physicist Joseph Henry. The first being Three pages, recto/verso, Quarto, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, March 27, 1856. Fascinating letter written as Director of the Smithsonian to a man attempting to answer a question raised by his curious young son: "My dear Sir, Your letter relating to an interesting experiment on sound, has just been received, and I hasten to dictate the following reply. The fact noticed by your son, is an illustration of the effect produced by the simultaneous vibrations of two mingled substances of different densities. If when bubbles of gas are rising through a liquid, sonorous impulses are given to the mixture, the waves through the denser medium move with much greater rapidity than those through the other, and consequently the latter interfere with the former and neutralize them…" Henry goes on to give a detailed explanation, and uses curious examples taken from nature to illustrate the phenomenon he describes. The second is a long letter, written ten years later, Four pages, Quarto, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, October 29, 1866, and concerns a fire that has ravaged the Portland Natural History Society, and plans for a reconstruction of the Museum to be engineered by Joseph Henry and the Smithsonian: "…After consultation with Prof. Baird, we venture to offer the following suggestions. A prominent object of the Society should be the collection and exhibition of a complete series of specimens illustrating the natural history of Maine. A great mistake is frequently made by museums in endeavoring to collect specimens indiscriminately from all parts of the world. With the large exhibitions in Boston, Cambridge and Salem, very little competition could be entered into by Portland in the way of general natural history, and little or no inducement could be offered to men of science to visit that city fro remote localities. With, however, a full series of specimens from Maine on exhibition, the rooms of the Society will constantly be a source of attraction…" Henry then goes on to suggest a possible prospectus, including suggestions for specific exhibits, and methods for promotion. Both of these substantive letters are signed in full, "Joseph Henry."

B. Autograph Letter Signed by the Inventor of the Kaleidoscope Sir. David Brewster. Two pages, recto/verso, Duodecimo, on personal letterhead, n.p., September 27, 1861. Polite letter declining an invitation to lecture: "…I regret to say that it is quite out of my power to deliver a lecture to your Philosophical Institution…" Signed, "D. Brewster."

C. Autograph Letter Signed by Geologist Sir Archibald Geikie. Two pages, recto/verso, Large Octavo, on The Windsor stationery, New York, NY, April 18, 1897. Concerning lecture dates for a proposed reception and talk at the New York Academy of Sciences, a printed invitation to which is also included.

D. Signed Photograph of X-Ray Pioneer William D. Coolidge. Sepia-tone, 9 x 7 ", studio portrait of the famous chemist inscribed, "Very sincerely yours, W. D. Coolidge." . Fine.
Estimated Value $300 - 600.
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Lot 788
  Mikoyan, Anastas and Kaganovich, Lazar. Punch holes along left-hand margin, otherwise fine. Docketed and annotated in the course of being processed as an official communist government order. Both Stalin cohorts and long-lasting members of Lenin's, Stalin's, and Khruschev's government.

Typed Document Signed. One page, Quarto, Moscow, December 25, 1943. Being a Communist government requisition document from Lazar Kaganovich, as People's Commissar of Railroads, to Comrade Anastas Mikoyan, the People's Commissar of Foreign Trade. Kaganovich requests an order to ship 33,000 meters of material for overcoats, and signs the document in full, which also carries the resolution of Mikoyan in blue pencil : "Comrade Ozerov. Assign it. A. Mikoyan."
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 789
Miller, Henry. Signed in blue ink, "HM." Miller's attractive stationery has a printed legend on the bottom margin: "Cuando Merda Tiver Valor Porbre Nasce Sem Cu." . (1891-1980) American writer, known for his candid portrayal of sex and morality in autobiographical tales such as Tropic Of Cancer (1934).

Typed Letter Signed. One page, Quarto, on personal letterhead, Pacific Palisades, California, August 20, 1968. To the television talk-show host Merv Griffin. An amusing letter from the siren-struck author attempting to finagle an audition for a lady friend on Griffin's show - something he has evidently tried to do more than once before. Miller writes:

"Dear Merv Griffin,

Here I am again with a request to give another friend of mine an audition for your show, if possible. Her name is Miss Monica Petersen, actress, singer, American born but has lived abroad most of her young life. Studied and acted on stage, television, films, in Sweeden, Italy, Spain and London. Only back here about a year now, and at the moment under contract to Fox Films. She is charming, attractive, intelligent, and a hard worker. Speaks several European languages fluently. It would mean a great deal to her if she could make an appearance on your show. Unfortunately, she will be in New York only about ten days -- leaves here for N.Y. this Friday. As she does not know at this moment just where she will be stopping I suggested that she call your studio on her arrival to find out if you can give her an audition. Needless to say, you would be doing me a great favor if you could see your way to doing this…"

Estimated Value $100 - 150.
From the Gerald Burg collection.

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Lot 790
Modern Composers. Eight Inscribed Photographs Signed. This unique collection features 8 x 10" black & white glossies of Eubie Blake, Sammy Cahn, Harry James, Guy Lombardo, Arthur Balsam, a 4 x 6" of Rudolf Serkin, and vintage photos of Ted Lewis and Ethel Leginska. A great lot for any fan of classical and popular music. Fine.
Estimated Value $400 - 600.
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Lot 791
Monroe, James. Moderately age-toned, with a few faint, occasional stains to recto and verso, otherwise fine. This document is a marvelous example of President Monroe's signature, which has lost none of its luster, and is still very dark and very bold. (1758-1831) 5th President of the United States, 1817-1825.

Letter Signed as President. One page, Quarto, with integral address leaf, Washington, June 1, 1821. To Thomas Munroe, Esq., Postmaster. Presidential authorization allowing an aide-de-camp in the United States Army to temporarily perform the duties of Adjutant General. President Monroe writes:

"Sir, Lieut. E. Kirby, A.D. Camp to Major General Brown is authorised [sic] to perform the duties of Adjutant General of the Army until the arrival of the officer, who may be permanently assigned to that duty. James Monroe."

Estimated Value $1,250 - 1,750.
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Lot 792
Monroe, James. Minor foxing on verso, and an almost imperceptible tear at top right, else Fine. Third Person Autograph Letter (Signed Twice in Text). Two pages, recto/verso, small Quarto, Portland Place, July 13, 1807. Transcribed in part:

"Mr Monroe presents his best respects to Lord Holland and is sorry to inform him that Mr. ? has not arrived in town & will not till tomorrow evening or the next day. An ill founded suspicious that some of the sea men were sick of a contagious disease is the cause of the delay…"

Estimated Value $800 - 1,200.
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Lot 793
Monroe, James. Letter has been cleanly cut in half across the center and inexpertly taped together. Seal tear on address leaf, remnants of red wax seal, mounting traces. Boldy penned and signed. Autograph Letter Signed. Two pages (including integral address leaf), Small Quarto, Philadelphia, August 18, 1797. Following Monroe's duties as Minister to France, he returned to Philadelphia and published a 500-page pamphlet entitled A View of the Conduct of the Executive (1797), in which he printed his instructions, correspondence with the French and United States governments, speeches and letters received from American residents in Paris. This publication caused quite a stir and Monroe became the hero of the Anti- Federalists (soon afterward he became Governor of Virginia). It was during this time that Monroe wrote this cordial letter to Mr. Biddle, to apologize for having been unable to visit with him.

In part: "Mrs. Monroe & myself intended to calling on you before we left Phil.a, but my ill health prevented it. I am upon the point of sitting out & drop you a line to apologize for this omission." Monroe continues, asking Biddle to also offer his apologies to "… the lady of my friend Genl. Wilkinson… " and to "remember me afftcy. to Dr. Edwards…"

Estimated Value $800 - 1,200.
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Lot 794
Monroe, Marilyn. Framed with a sultry Black & White photograph of Marilyn in a plunging gown, and another shot of the actress in Korea, with a group of servicemen posed in front of a US Army helicopter. (1926-1962) American actress who has become a sexual icon of popular culture.

Autograph Note Signed. One page, Quarto, Korea, February, 1954. Written during her USO tour of Korea, where Marilyn went in February of 1954 to entertain American troops overseas. She performed for over 60,000 soldiers, many of whom had never seen any of her movies, since they had been in the service during Marilyn's rise to stardom. Needless to say, the sexy siren was a huge success. Evidently, one of the musicians that performed with her was also captivated by Marilyn's performance, and presented her with a glossy Black & White photograph of his own jazz band for her to sign. On the back of this photo, Marilyn has penned this effusive inscription:

" To Gordon,
I use to like Jazz -- before you.
Thanks for making our show
soooo wonderful.
Love & Kisses
Marilyn Monroe
Korea Feb. '54 "

Estimated Value $2,000 - 3,000.
Text is not trimmed as indicated in photograph.

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Lot 795
Morris, Robert (1734-1806) Revolutionary patriot and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Helped finance the American Revolution.

Autograph Letter Signed and Two Documents. Framed collection of three Robert Morris items, which tell the story of this Revolutionary financier's fall from grace.

A. Autograph Letter Signed. One page, octavo, The Hills (Morris' country estate on the Schuylkill River), February 5, 1798. Written to his business partner in the North American Land Company, John Nicholson, a few weeks before Morris was arrested and brought before the Justices of the Supreme Court at Philadelphia in March of that same year, this arresting, simply-worded letter shows Morris at the end of his rope, paralyzed by despair. He writes, in full: "If writing notes could relieve me you would do it sooner than any man in the world but all you have said in those now before me No. 5 to 9 inclusive [the two businessmen numbered their correspondence] amount -- when summed up To Nothing. My money is gone. My furniture is to be sold. I am to go to prison & my Family to starve. Good Night. Robt. Morris." His land speculation schemes gone awry, his money gone, his family helpless by his side, Morris can only surrender to the Deputies he knows will soon come knocking on his door. Slightly stained and folded.

B. Document Signed ("Robt. Morris"), as President of the North American Land Company. Partially printed, accomplished in manuscript. One page, large oblong Quarto, Philadelphia, February 20, 1795. Countersigned by James Marshall, brother of John Marshall, who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Some wear at edges, and the left edge appears to have been trimmed, not affecting the text. This document certifies that "Dr. Enoch Edwards is entitled to one Share in the entire property of the North American Land Company; the Dividend thereof shall not be less than Six Dollars on one Share Annually…" Morris' business venture failed, and he was eventually bankrupted by land speculation, which resulted in his being hauled off to Prane Street debtor's prison.

C. Promissory Note Endorsed on Verso. One page, approximately 7 x 4", Philadelphia, April 20, 1795. Partially printed document accomplished in manuscript, in which one W. Nicholson lends Morris $3,000. Some age toning, with slight ink erosion from the endorsement on verso, which is probably Morris'.

Also included is a printed facsimile booklet entitled "Plan of Association Of The North American Land Company," which describes the company's holdings, and includes biographical and historical material on Morris and his checkered career.
Estimated Value $1,500-UP.
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Lot 796
Cole Porter Buys a Dozen Moses! There is a pin-sized hole on the integral blank, not affecting text which appears on its own page, otherwise the letter is fine. (1860-1961) Artist, achieved popular success as a folk artist. Known for painting country scenes with nostalgic titles culled from her farm girl childhood.

Autograph Letter Signed. One page, 16mo., Eagle Bridge, [New York], December 7, n.y. To the celebrated lyricist and composer Cole Porter. The late-blooming artist writes:

"Mr cole Porter Dear Sir, am shipping out the twelve paintings, now if there are some that you do not like ship them back. COD, They are $7.00 each. Thanks for the order, pleas remember me to mrs cole Porter, I did not pan ["paint" or "plan for" ?] her any as there were none recorded, sorry it was a mistake Yours in haste Moses."

Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
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Lot 797
A Rare Cole Porter "Turkey". Docketed in pencil, in another hand, "Ck. sent by Mr. Mudd." Minor fold wear, with a very slight tear at lower right edge. A marvelous Grandma Moses letter! Autograph Letter Signed. One page, Octavo, in pencil, Eaglebridge, [New York], November 23, 1944. To the Broadway luminary Cole Porter. Grandma Moses writes:

"Mr. cole Porter Dear Sir,
am sending you your turkeys [Paintings of]
I could not chose [sic] for you so am sending 7.
Take the ones that you lik [sic], and ship the others back, cod,
Here is the prices,
catching a turkey. $5.00
catching the turkey 5.00
we will have a feast 5.00
In Russia 5.00
Catch him Rover 5.00
that is a fine turkey 5.00
the old bake over, comedy
Mrs T. S. Moses,
Eaglebridge NY. "

Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
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Lot 798
Mount, William Sidney. Clip stain at lower right, with faint water damage to up right corner, otherwise fine. (1807-1868) American artist, credited with being the first American-born artist to achieve widespread fame for the depiction of everyday life.

Autograph Letter Signed. One page, Quarto, Stony Brook, August 5, 1842. To Benjamin F. Thompson (1784-1849), lawyer, politician, and historian of Long Island. Interesting letter in which Mount recommends that Thompson contact "Mr A.B. Durand, Amity Street, one of our best painters and engravers," who can suggest an artist to engrave his portrait for the second edition of History of Long Island. Mount suggests.

"…The best way will be for you to seek out some promising young artist that can draw and engrave well…J.W. Paradise, 110 Ames Street…is a good engraver. I saw a very fine portrait of the late William Dunlap, Esq. done by him. Have your portrait well done when it is done, or not at all. A well-engraved portrait of yourself will help to sell your work -- think of that. Respectfully yours, Wm. S. Mount." .

Estimated Value $700 - 1,000.
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Lot 799
Mountbatten of Burma and British Military Leaders. Very Fine. All of the signatures are bold and clear. First Day Cover Signed. Multiply-signed first day cover, postmarked St. Helena, January 24, 1966, commemorating Sir Winston Churchill, signed by all of the principal British military leaders of World War II, including Mountbatten ("Mountbatten of Burma"), Montgomery ("Montgomery of Alamein"), Field Marshal William Slim ("Slim"), Alexander of Tunis, the British Secretary of War during WWII, Sir Anthony Eden, the 1st Earl of Avon ("Avon"), Charles Frederick Algernon Portal ("Portal of Hungerford"), chief of British Air Staff, and several others.

Estimated Value $250-UP.
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Lot 800
Movie Stars. All items are fine unless otherwise noted. Cut Signatures. Three Signatures, on separate leaves removed from an autograph album, each mounted with a photograph of the actor who has signed his name. Includes:

A. Harpo Marx. A large, 5 x 2¼" signature in blue ink matted with a strikingly composed Black & White photograph of the mute comedian crouched in a hissing pose behind his trademark gilded harp. Slight tear to leaf on which the actor has signed, easily reparable, otherwise fine. Signed in full, "Harpo Marx."

B. Spencer Tracy. A large, 3½ x 3½" pencil signature matted with a brooding printed Black & White photograph of the actor as a fierce Indian fighter. Signed in full, "Spencer Tracy."

C. Paul Muni. A large, 3½ x 2½" pencil signature of the actor matted with a printed Black & White film still of the actor as a construction worker. Signed in full, "Paul Muni." Fine.
Estimated Value $375 - 450.
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Lot 801
Movie Stars! Hollywood Signatures. Four Cut Signatures of Hollywood Celebrities, each approximately 5 x 3", including the elegant Robert Taylor, the dashing Charles Boyer, the imperial Gloria Swanson and the hapless Joe E. Brown. Each has been archivally mounted with a Black & White printed portraits, and is in fine condition.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
From the Gerald Burg collection.

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Lot 802
Fascinating Edvard Munch Letter to an Eminent German Psychologist. Minor wear at folds, with two binder holes at left center margin, otherwise fine. Accompanied by original envelope addressed in Munch's hand. An interesting and enigmatic letter. (1863-1944) Painter whose Expressionist style and tortuously curved designs exerted a powerful and influential force on Modern art.

Autograph Letter Signed. One page, Quarto, in German, n.p., n.d. [circa 1934]. To Dr. Ernst Harms in Zurich. Munch writes:

"…Enclosed I am sending you a copy of a letter to my niece. This will explain the matter to you. Besides that, I have been working for the past few years on a large monumental painting and naturally I cannot allow this unfinished work to be reproduced. In order to find material in my studio, it will be very difficult and you will understand for the time being it is not possible. If possible I will send you something later on. Will be traveling soon. Sincerely, Edvard Munch." .

Estimated Value $1,750 - 2,250.
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Lot 803
  Mussolini, Benito. Some light scattered staining to first verso page, otherwise fine. (1883-1945) Italian Prime Minister (1922-1943) and Dictator.

Partially Printed Military Document Signed by Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III. Two pages, recto/verso, accompanied by an additional blank page, Tall Folio, in Italian, Rome, October 4, 1937. Attractive Military Appointment from the Italian War Ministry. Docketed by the Ministry of War, and boldly signed on the second page beneath the printed text, "Vittorio Emanuele," and countersigned by Benito Mussolini in large black letters, "Mussolini."
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 804
Nicholas II. An interesting and uncommon Russian military item. (1868-1918) The last Tsar of Russia (1895-1917). His reign was marked by an alliance with France, entente with Britain, a disastrous war with Japan, and the establishment of a national assembly or Duma. Forced to abdicate at the Revolution, he was shot with his family at Yekaterinburg by the Red Guards.

Restaurant Bill Signed by Nicholas II. One page, Octavo, in pencil, n.p., March, [circa 1893-99]. Being a list of expenses for the officer's mess for the Empress's Life Guard signed by Nicholas II as colonel of the elite Russian military unit, the Preobrazhensky Guards. This bill covers the two weeks from March 16 - March 30. Itemized are such victuals as breakfast (1 ruble) and Madera (4.50 rubles). Signed at the bottom, "Adjutant Colonel Nicholas." Fine.
Estimated Value $600 - 750.
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Lot 805
White House Group Portrait Signed By Five Living Presidents. A choice quality example of the famous library scene and an important piece of presidential memorabilia. Photograph Signed by Five US Presidents. Large, 9 x 12", Color, Washington, DC, [1991]. Handsome Group Portrait of five former US Presidents, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, photographed together in the Oval Office. Each president has signed his name directly below his image in the portrait, all neatly aligned in the white photographer's mount at bottom:

" Gerald R Ford, Richard Nixon, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter "

The photograph was occasioned by the opening of the Reagan Library, dedicated in November, 1991.

Very Fine.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
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Lot 806
Nixon, Richard M. Framed to an overall size of 24 x 20". (1913-1994) 37th President of the United States, 1969-1974.

Partially Printed Document Signed as President. One page, Elephant Folio, Washington, DC, March 7, 1969. Letters Patent appointing James C. Counts to the post of "Federal Mediation and Conciliation Director." Countersigned by William P. Rogers as Secretary of State. With an immaculate white wafer seal. The President has boldly signed the document in blue ink below the text, "Richard Nixon." . Fine.
Estimated Value $1,250 - 1,350.
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Lot 807
Nixon Mints the Eisenhower Dollar! Typed Letter Signed. One page, Octavo, on lime green White House letterhead, Washington, DC, August 6, 1971. To William Natcher, House of Representatives. Celebratory letter announcing the newly minted Eisenhower Silver Dollar. Nixon writes, in full:

"Dear Bill: Last week I had the good fortune to receive one of the first Eisenhower silver dollars and to present one of the new coins to Mrs, Dwight D. Eisenhower. These coins were so impressive that I thought you would like to have an uncirculated specimen. It is one of the first strikes of these special dollar coins and, I think you will agree, is a beautiful example of our Nation's coinage. With best personal regards, Sincerely, RN."

Accompanied by a 1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar in the original blue US Mint packaging. With original transmittal envelope.

Estimated Value $400 - 500.
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Lot 808
[Nobel Prize - Chemistry]. Matted and framed to an overall size of 8½ x 11". First Day Cover Signed. Profusely signed First Day Cover commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Postmarked October 14, 1963, Washington, D.C., with an pictorial cachet depicting President Lincoln at the Signing of the Academy Charter. Signed on the face of the envelope by ten recipients of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Frederick Sanger, Andrew Kendrew, Willard F. Libby, Lars Onsonger, Linus Pauling, Gerhard Hertzberg, Max Perutz, Ronald G.W. Norris, Harold C. Urey, and Christian B. Anfinsen. A choice assemblage of chemists. Very Fine and attractive.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
From the Gerald Burg collection.

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Lot 809
  On The Waterfront. Book Signed. On The Waterfront: The Screenplay , by Budd Schulberg. Samuel French: Hollywood, CA, 1989, 154 pages, Hardback, Limited Edition, number 96 of 300. Signed by Budd Schlberg and by Eliza Kazan, who directed the famous film made from Schulberg's original story. Fine.
Estimated Value $100 - 150.
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Lot 810
Onassis, Jacqueline. First Lady (1961-3), she married John F. Kennedy in 1953, and became a much admired first lady, using her station to promote the arts, history, and high style. For some years after Kennedy's death she was the world's premier celebrity.

Inscribed Christmas Card Signed. Stylish white card, 5 x 3½", with a red border, inscribed in matching red ink, "Merry Christmas to dear Sophie/affectionately/Jacqueline Onassis." Very Fine.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 811
  Withdrawn Unsold
Lot 812
Palmerston, Henry John Temple (1784-1865) British statesman and Liberal Prime Minister (1855-58).

Document Signed as Secretary of War. One page, Legal Folio, War-Office, [London, England], October 2, 1814. War Department document to the Paymaster General concerning a Pay Warrant for the "2nd Battalion 15th Foot." Signed, "Palmerston" below the printed text. Fine.
Estimated Value $100 - 150.
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Lot 813
Parrish, Maxfield (1870-1966) Illustrator and painter, known for his technically skilled and vividly toned color prints.

Personal Check Signed. Approximately 8 x 3", Windsor, Vermont. December 5th, 1931. The artist's imprinted check made payable to Chandler & Farquhar Co. for the amount of $1.08. Signed boldly in black ink. Fine.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 814
Peck, Gregory (1916-). American Actor, known for a persona of cultured integrity and human decency, evidenced in films such as To Kill A Mockingbird (1962), for which he received an Oscar.

Inscribed Photograph Signed. Black and White, 8 x 10", glossy. A truly splendid shot of the legendary actor in the prime of career. Inscribed in black pen, "To Kitty Callahan - / Really enjoyed our recent talk. Many thanks / for your interest. / Gregory Peck". Fine.
Estimated Value $75 - 125.
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Lot 815
  Pickford, Mary (1893-1979) Star of the silent screen, referred to as "The World's Sweetheart", thanks to her ingenuous charm and beauty. Star of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917), Poor Little Rich Girl (1917), and Taming of the Shrew (1929). Established United Artists in 1919 with Douglas Fairbanks Sr.

Inscribed Vintage Photograph Signed. Sepia, 9 x 7", n.d., n.p. An exquisitely sharp, clean print on heavy paper of one of cinema's classic beauties. Inscribed "Sincerely / Mary Pickford" in blue ink along the right edge. Fine.
Estimated Value $125 - 250.
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Lot 816
Pierce, Franklin (1804-1869) 14th President of the United States, 1853-1857.

Autograph Letter Signed. One page, Quarto, September 3, 1845, to Chandler E. Potter of Manchester, New Hampshire, with integral address leaf.

From 1833 on, Pierce spent nine years in Washington as a loyal Jacksonian Democrat in both houses of Congress. He consistently respected Southern rights and developed an antipathy for "political" abolitionists, whom he considered trouble-makers and a threat to the Union.

Meanwhile, his wife found the life of the Capitol so distasteful and inimical to her quiet New Hampshire temperament, that Pierce was compelled for her sake to resign from the Senate and withdraw from Washington's furious energy and join his family in Concord, where he practiced law with great skill.

From 1842 to 1847 Pierce managed most of the local Democratic campaigns, enforcing strict discipline to keep the party united and victorious. Convivial by nature, Pierce was popular, whether in polite society, at hotel bars, or in political caucuses.

Our letter finds Pierce in 1845 beginning to micromanage a local campaign with meticulous attention to detail. We quote at some length:

"I am glad to see that Gov. Woodbury is to be at Candia on the 16th. It ought to be a real meeting of the masses. It can only be made what it should be by efforts and suitable arrangements in the adjoining and neighboring towns. In 1840 there were committees appointed in different towns of arrangement who exerted themselves to get up large companies to attend at places of rendezvous were appointed on the route when the people met & then proceeded to the place of meeting in prosession. Similar exertions should be made for the 16th at Candia, Deerfield, Raymond, Chester and all the neighbouring towns should be represented not by a few deligates but by the party En Masse. None will see the Candia people & I hope that no effort to secure a large meeting will be neglected. Such a meeting in that region ought to be attended with the best results. In haste, Your friend, F.Pierce."

This is Pierce doing what he does best. Chipped and torn along two edges affecting two words and just a bit of the signature's bottom. Overall age-toning, still very good.
Estimated Value $800 - 1,200.
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Lot 817
Political Group. Lot of Four Political Letters and Two First Day Covers Signed. A statesmanly lot consisting of the following items:

A. Two Typed Letters Signed by J. Edgar Hoover. Each one page, Quarto, July 9, 1964 and March 9, 1972, to Screen Gems Vice-President Harry Ackerman, concerning two visits to FBI Headquarters. The earlier letter is signed "J. Edgar Hoover," the latter signed "Edgar," and docketed "Harry Ackerman" at top.

B. Autograph Letter Signed by Aga Khan III. One page, Octavo, Marlborough Club, Pall Mall [London], "Friday." Quaint letter inquiring about the appropriate dress for a meeting with "H.R.H." the Prince of Wales. Accompanied by a sepia-toned portrait.

C. Typed Letter Signed by Alfred E. Smith as Governor of New York. One page, Quarto, on Executive Chamber letterhead, Albany, New York, December 21, 1927. Curious letter alluding to an author and an "interesting document" which Smith refers to as being "ahead of the times about forty years." Signed in full, "Alfred E. Smith."

D. First Day Cover Signed by Ted Kennedy. Postmarked Boston, Mass., May 29, 1964. Handsome cover honoring "In Memoriam John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States," with four matching JFK stamps, Signed "Ted Kennedy 1972."

E. Postal Cover Signed by King Hussein. Blank unused cover with a mint uncancelled postage stamp bearing the visage of the King of Jordan. Signed by Hussein in Arabic across the stamp simulating a cancellation mark. Fine.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 818
"Let Principle Be Your Guide, the Public Good Your End, and Trust the Rest To God and His Country." (1795-1849) 11th President of the United States, 1845-1849.

Autograph Letter Signed as Governor of Tennessee. Two pages, recto/verso, Quarto, Columbia, Tennessee, August 26, 1839. To Colonel Samuel Loughlin of Tennessee. In this eloquent political letter introducing General Thomas Lane, the Senator-elect from Henry, Wakely, and Albion counties, Polk quotes his idol Andrew Jackson, and admiringly evokes five other U. S. Presidents. He writes:

"Dear Sir, I take pleasure in introducing to your personal acquaintance my friend General Thomas Lane, the Senator elect, from the counties of Henry, Wakely, & Albion. He is a Democrat of the school of '98, - voted for Jefferson, for Madison, for Monroe, for Jackson and for Van Buren. He was the contemporary and personal friend of Macon, was for thirty years a member of the North Carolina Legislature, and has during his whole public life, adopted as his rule of action - Genl. Jackson's maxim - viz - 'Let principle be your guide, the public good your end, and trust the rest to God and his country.' - Genl. L. will spend some days among his relations in Warren and you may confer as freely as you choose with him. - You will of course introduce him to the personal acquaintance of as many of our friends in your county, as may be convenient. I am Very Truly Your friend James K. Polk."

A biographer of Polk has said of his early life, "…His success, based upon his thorough acquisitions and the influence of his family associations, for there were numerous emigrants of his stock to the district, was so rapid that in less than a year he was acknowledged as a leading practitioner" of law. We find in this letter of introduction the very same reliance upon personal associations, which for Polk was a time-honored and dignified tradition. Polk's moral character, his traditionalism and sense of propriety, and his vision of the lineage of democratic ideology, with its roots in the Jeffersonian Republican party, are marvelously expressed.

Very Fine.
Estimated Value $3,000 - 4,000.
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Lot 819
Porter, Cole (1891-1964) Great American composer and lyricist.

Document Signed. One page, quarto, n.p., July 3, 1939. To Loew's Incorporated of Culver City, California. Porter has initialed a change in the margin. Being an agreement that Porter's composition, Begin the Beguine, may be used in the Loew's Incorporated film tentatively entitled, Broadway Melody of 1940. Fine.
Estimated Value $500 - 800.
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Lot 820
Power, Tyrone (1914-1958) American actor, a classic Hollywood hearthrob from the 1930s and 1940s.

Signed Photograph. A small, 2½ x 4", Black & White bust portrait of the dashing leading man in a pin striped suit, arching his brow in a mood of alert and attentive composure. Delicately signed in flamboyant green ink, "Tyrone Power." Fine.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 821
  Withdrawn Unsold
Lot 822
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Lot 823
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Lot 824
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Lot 825
  Ringling Brothers. American 19th century circus team, founders of Ringling Bros. Circus.

Two Cut Signatures. Two Cut Signatures, approximately 4½ x 2", of two of the famous circus-making Brothers -- Robert Ringling, and Henry Ringling North. Each has signed his name in full, in dark blue ink. Fine.
Estimated Value $50 - 100.
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Lot 826
Robinson, "Sugar Ray" & Joey Maxim. Nicely matted to 11 x 14". (1920- 1989) In a career that spanned three decades and amassed such astounding statistics as 175 wins in 202 bouts, with 109 coming by KO, Sugar Ray Robinson embodied the essence of the "sweet science". He was a world welterweight champion and held the middleweight title five times. He is considered by many to be the best fighter in history, pound-for-pound.

(1922-) What Joey Maxim lacked in power, he made up for with outstanding boxing ability. Although he only mustered 21 knockouts in 115 career fights, he managed to beat some of the best fighters of his era.

On June 25, 1952, the two met at Yankee Stadium for the light heavyweight title. Despite the 100 degree heat, nearly 50,000 thousand people turned out to witness Robinson attempt to win a world championship in a third weight class. Throughout the fight, Sugar Ray outboxed Maxim and when the 13th round ended he lead the fight on all three scorecards. Unfortunately though for Robinson, the oppressive heat coupled with the battering from Maxim took its toll on the legend and when the bell rang for the 14th round he remained on his stool.

Inscribed Photograph Signed. Black and white, 8 x 10", n.d., n.p. A dramatic image of Robinson unleashing a devastating right hook upon Maxim during their famed Yankee Stadium bout. Inscribed "To Bill Van [?] /Best Wishes/ Joey Maxim" in black below his likeness and "Best Wishes / Sugar Ray Robinson" in black ink upon his. Fine.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 827
  Withdrawn Unsold
Lot 828
Roosevelt, Franklin D. Some faint peripheral stains, otherwise fine. President Roosevelt's signature, executed with a fountain pen, is one of the boldest and most ornate we have seen. A fine Document Signed with numismatic content. (1882-1945) 32nd President of the United States, 1933-1945.

Document Signed as President. Partially printed, accomplished in manuscript. One page, Elephant Folio, Washington, DC, January 18, 1934. Presidential appointment naming Bruce B. LaFollette to the post of "Assayer in the Mint of the United States at Denver, Colorado…"
Estimated Value $700 - 1,000.
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