Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 18

Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 1430
1917, Lucien Jonas. H. Chachoin, Paris. 31½ x 47 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Souvenez-vous! Documents-Photographies-Affiches…Relatifs au CRIMES ALLEMANDS Exposition Du 1er au 30 Octobre 1917…." (Remember!…Documents-Photographs-Posters Related to German Crimes. Exhibition…). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $175 - 250.
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Lot 1431
[1918], Lucien Jonas. Devambez, Paris. 31½ x 47 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Emprunt de la Libération. Souscrivez." (Liberation Loan. Subscribe). (Paillard, No. 235). A huge winged Victory rises splendidly in the background as three soldiers surge forward. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1432
1920, Lucien Jonas. Joseph-Charles, Paris. 46 x 31 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Emprunt 5% 1920…" (5% Loan 1920…) An ailing but stalwart France receives the grateful offerings of other nations, Uncle Sam being prominent at the front with bags of money, as John Bull proclaims, "She has suffered most for the common cause…" Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $350 - 450.
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Lot 1433
c. 1918, Lucien Jones. The Strobridge Litho Co., Cincinnati & New York. 28 x 42½ in. "Four Years In The Fight / The Women of France We Owe Them Houses of Cheer. / United War Work Campaign." An image of women munitions workers by the famous French graphic artist. (Rawls, p. 164). Condition: Professionally restored to A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1434
[1915], Léandre. Devambez, Paris. 32 x 47", museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Journée du Poilu / Organisée par le Parlement" (Soldier's Day / Organized by Parlement). Possibly a proof, since the dates (December 25 and 26) have not been added. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $150 - 175.
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Lot 1435
[1920], Lebasque. Maquet Gr., Paris. 31½ x 44½ in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "L'emprunt de la Paix." (The Peace Loan). (Paillard, No. 339). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1436
[1917], August Leroux. Joseph Charles, Paris. 31 x 45 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "3e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale. Souscrivez pour la France qui combat! pour Celle qui chaque jour grandit." (3rd National Defense loan. Subscribe for France that is fighting! for France that grows greater every day). (Paillard, No. 164). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1437
1918, A. Leroux. Joseph Charles, Paris. 31½ x 46 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Emprunt National 1918 / Pour hâter la Victoire et pour nous revoir bientôt. Souscrivez!" (National Loan 1918 / To hasten victory and to see each other again soon. Subscribe!) (Paillard, No. 230). Conditon: Professionally restored to A-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1438
[c. 1916], Guy Lipscombe. The Hegeman Print, N.Y., 27 x 41 in. "Britishers Enlist To-Day." A colorful Union Jack calls British citizens in the U.S. to arms. (Same image as Rawls, p. 59, except for recruiting address). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1439
  [1918], R. G. Morgan. Rogers and Company, Inc., Chicago and New York. 20½ x 28 in. "New York Will Give One Day's Pay to the United War Work Campaign." Vivid colors. Condition: B.
Estimated Value $50 - 75.
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Lot 1440
[c. 1916], Lloyd Myers. Issued by the British and Canadian Recruiting Mission in New York. 28 x 41 in. An appeal is made to Canadian and British citizens to join the war: "Britishers You're Needed / Come Across Now." (See Rawls, p. 50). Condition: A-/B+.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1441
[1919], Alfred Everitt Orr. American Lithographic Co., New York. 40 x 30 in. "For Home and Country / Liberty Victory Loan." A soldier embraces his wife and son as he returns home from war. Condition: B.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1442
1916, Poulbot. Chauchoin, Paris. 35 x 47 x 35 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Exposition de Tableaux de Maîtres Contemporains…Vente Au Profit De l'Oeuvre du Soldat Blessé ou Malade…" (Exhibit of paintings by contemporary masters…On behalf of the fund for wounded or ailing soldiers) (Paillard, No. 79). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $325 - 375.
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Lot 1443
1916, Poulbot. Devambez, Paris. 31 x 45 in. "Journée Du Puy De Dôme / Paquetage Du Soldat…Avec ça, il sera pas enrhumé, papa." (Day of Puy de Dôme/ Soldier's Package…With that, papa won't catch a cold."). Condition: A-/B+.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1444
[c. 1915], A.R. Consolidated Lithographing & Mf'g Co. Limited, Montreal. 27 x 41½ in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Canadiens Français Venez Avec Nous…Aider A La Victoire Du Coq Gaulois Sur L'Aigle Prussien…" (French Canadians Come With Us…Aid in the Victory of the Gallic Cock Over the Prussian Eagle). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $100 - 150.
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Lot 1445
[c. 1915], O.R. Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London. 20 x 30 in. "Enlist To-day. He's Happy & Satisfied. Are You?" Condition: C+.
Estimated Value $100 - 150.
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Lot 1446
[c. 1917], Louis Raemakers. A Navy recruitment poster made by the Century Co. from a cartoon by Dutch artist Raemakers, and printed by the U.S. Navy Printing Bureau. 34 x 28 in., with wide margins. A facsimile of a quote by Theodore Roosevelt is in the lower margin: "Americans! stand by Uncle Sam for liberty against tyranny! Theodore Roosevelt." (Rawls, P. 156). Condition: C+.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1447
[c. 1918], H. Raleigh. Forbes, Boston. 21 x 29 in., printed. "Blood or Bread. Others are giving their blood. You will shorten the war if you eat only what you need, and waste nothing." A distraught gunner holds his fallen comrade. An evocative image by the famed American illustrator. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1448
1917, Georges Redon. Devambez, Paris. 31¼ x 46 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Pour que vos enfants ne connaissent plus les horreurs de la guerre, souscrivez à l'Emprunt National. Société Générale." (So that your children no longer know the horrors of war, subscribe to the National Loan…) (Paillard, No. 160). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1449
c. 1918, H. Reuterdahl. Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. 28 x 41 in. "U.S. Navy / Help Your Country! Enlist In The Navy…" A line of battleships plows through choppy seas, as a white dove flies in the foreground. Condition: Professionally restored to A-.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1450
[1914], Reynolds. J.J. Gibbons Limited, Montreal. 28 x 42", museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Why Don't They Come? Why Be A Mere Spectator Here When You Should Play A Mans Part In The Real Game Overseas! Join The 148th Battalion." Eye-catching, black-and-yellow recruitment poster. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1451
[1916], A. Robaudi. Affiches Photographiques Robaudi, Cannes. 31 x 46 in., printed, museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "2e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale. En Avant Armée de l'Epargne. C'est pour la Patrie." (2nd National Defense Loan. Forward, soldiers of the thrift campaign. It's for the Homeland). (Paillard, No. 72). Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $325 - 375.
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Lot 1452
c. 1918, Hazel Roberts. 19 x 25 in. "War Clouds Gather! 'Manhood Willing But Unarmed' Help The Navy - Join The Navy League". Condition: B.
Estimated Value $75 - 125.
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Lot 1453
1917, Maurice Romberg. Champenois, Paris. 36 x 48 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Foire Franco-Américaine de Saint-Sulpice, 7, 8, 9, 10 Juin 1917" (French-American Fair at Saint-Sulpice, June 7-10, 1917). (Paillard, No. 220). Condition: Professionally restored to A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1454
1915, Maurice Romberg. Champenois, Paris. 21 x 27 in. Museum backed with linen and japan tissue. "Oeuvre du Soldat Belge" (Work of the Belgian Soldian). Announcing a reservations-only service at Notre Dame on November 14, 1915, honoring the king and queen of Belgium, to benefit Belgian soldiers. Condition: Professionally restored to A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1455
1917, Georges Scott. Devambez, 31¾ x 47 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Pour le Drapeau! Pour la Victoire! Souscrivez a l'Emprunt National…" (For the Flag. For Victory. Subscribe to the National Loan…). (Paillard, No. 169). A stunning poster. One of the best produced by France during World War I. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $450 - 650.
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Lot 1456
[1918], Georges Scott. Devambez, Paris. 31½ x 45 in. "Pour que la France soit victorieuse. Souscrivez au 4e emprunt de la Défense Nationale." (For a victorious France. Subscribe to the 4th National Defense loan). The Gallic cock and the Prussian eagle face off. (Paillard, No. 229). Condition: A-/B+-.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1457
1920, Georges Scott. Devambez, Paris. 31½ x 45 in. "Emprunt National / 1920 / Crédit de l'Ouest" (1920 National Loan / Credit of the West) As a new day dawns, a male figure stands before smoldering ruins from the war. On his head is a laurel wreath; in his hand he holds seeds which will be sown to bring renewed plenty and prosperity. Condition: B-/C+.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1458
1917, L.A. Shafer. 30 x 40 inches, printed on board. "U.S. Marines / First To Fight For Democracy…" A colorful image of a Marine gun crew firing at a Zeppelin in the sky, the shots' flack puffing all around it. Condition: A-. Some damage to edges from a previous framing, which would not show if framed, and creased upper left corner, not touching image.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1459
[1918], F. Sindelar. Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brookly, N.Y. 20 x 25½ in. Commissioned by United States Fuel Administration. "Uncle Sam Needs That Extra Shovelful." Condition: B-.
Estimated Value $75 - 125.
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Lot 1460
c. 1915, Louis Tintayre. 37½ x 54 in., linen backed. "Pressant appel à la Solidarité en faveur des…Victimes de la guerre, Refugiées, qui retrouvent un foyer à la Cantine Refuge…." (Urgent call for solidarity on behalf of …victims of war, refugees, who find a home at the Refuge Canteen….). Condition: Earlier professional restoration to A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1461
[c. 1917], U.S. Marines. Printed recruitment poster, 42 x 32 in. "U.S. Marines / Serve Where You See The Red Star / Enlist Today." A banner with "Semper Fidelis" flies above the Marine emblem. Condition: B-/C+.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1462
World War I Liberty Bonds Poster. "Buy Liberty Bonds" poster featuring a bust-length, right-profile portrait of Lincoln, 29½" x 19½", with a famous quote: "That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth," and a facsimile signature of Lincoln. Poster has appearance of a copper plaque with orange lettering. Attractively framed to 31½" x 21½". Very Fine.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 1463
1929, Georges Scott. Imprimerie Nationale. 31½ x 47 in. "Engagez-Vous Dans La Cavalerie" (Join the Cavalry). This colorful recruitment poster for the French army depicts a cavalry charge. Scott was known for his drawings of military subjects and designed several famous World War I posters. Condition: B-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1464
1929, Damlo. EDIA, Paris. 31½ x 47 in., museum mounted with linen and japan tissue. "Engagez-Vous Dans Les Troupes De La Metropole." A young man contemplates his choices in the military. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1465
1929, French Recruiting Poster. 31½ x 47 in. Poster from the Minister of War of the French Republic, urging: "Engagez-Vous" (Join) and showing different areas of the military which one could join: aviation, cavalry, infantry, etc. Design is "after Geo. Michel." Eye catching and worth restoring. Condition: C.
Estimated Value $75 - 125.
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Lot 1466
[1943], Anonymous. U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of War Information. 28½ x 40", printed. "This Is The Enemy." A uniformed arm bearing a swastika drives a knife through a Bible. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $225 - 275.
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Lot 1467
1941, Jean Carln. U.S. Government Printing Office, 40 x 30 in. "America's answer! PRODUCTION". A green-gloved hand holds a wrench. Print is blue and red. Condition: B+.
Estimated Value $800 - 1,200.
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Lot 1468
[1942], Howard Chandler Christy. Recruiting Publicity Bureau, United States Army. 25 x 38". "Fly For Her Liberty And Yours…U.S. Army Air Forces." An ethereal Lady Liberty looks over a flyer and his girlfriend. Condition: A.
Estimated Value $400 - 500.
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Lot 1469
[1942], Howard Chandler Christy. 26½ x 40", printed. "Liberty Lives On / 450th Anniversary of the Discovery of America. 1492-1942." A swashbuckling Columbus and his crew see a vision of Lady Liberty welcoming them to the New World. Beautifully evocative. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $350 - 450.
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Lot 1470
[1942], Anton O. Fischer. U.S. Government Printing Office. 28½ x 37 in. "A careless word…A Needless Sinking." A lifeboat full of exhausted sailers rows away from a sinking ship, which is on fire in the background. Condition: B-.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1471
[1945], James Montgomery Flagg. Recruiting Publicity Bureau, United States Army. 24 x 35". "Coming Right Up!" A fresh-faced paratrooper recruit gestures to his comrades already aloft. Condition: B+.
Estimated Value $400 - 500.
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Lot 1472
[1943], Koerner. U. S. Government Printing Office, Office of War Information. 28½ x 40". "United We Are Strong / United We Will Win." Huge gun barrels bear the flags of the Allies. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1473
[1942], Bernard Perlin. U.S. Government Printing Office. 28½ x 40 in. "Avenge December 7." An angry sailor shakes his fist above an image of exploding battleships. Red letters against a dark background. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1474
[1943], Leslie Ragan. Office of War Information, Washington, D.C. 20 x 28". "UNITED. The United Nations Fight For Freedom." Very bright and colorful because of the many flags of the United Nations. Worth repairing. Condition: C.
Estimated Value $125 - 175.
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Lot 1475
[1944], Jerome Rozen. U.S. Office of Defense Transportation. 28 x 40". "'Won't you give my boy a chance to get home?' Don't Travel - unless your trip will help win the war." Uncommon. Condition: B+.
Estimated Value $75 - 125.
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Lot 1476
1942, Ben Shahn. 40 x 28 in. "We French workers warn you…defeat means slavery, starvation, death." French workers stand with their hands above their heads in front of a decree issued by the traitorous Vichy Government. Condition: A-.
Estimated Value $600 - 800.
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Lot 1477
1944, Harold von Schmidt. 28½ x 40 in. A stern-faced soldier poses the question, "Have You Really Tried To Save Gas By Getting Into A Car Club?" Schmidt was a famous illustrator, primarily for magazines, who became a war correspondent for the U.S. Air Force in 1944. Condition: B-.
Estimated Value $150 - 250.
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Lot 1478
1950, Howard Chandler Christy. Layman's National Committee, Inc., New York City. 25 x 38". "Give us the Faith and Courage of Our Forefathers. / Christmas 1950 / U.S. Army - U.S. Air Force." Uncle Sam holds his hat and looks to heaven, months after the beginning of the Korean War. Christy's image might have been used in an earlier war and brought out again for the Korean War. Condition: A.
Estimated Value $350 - 450.
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Lot 1479
Actors. A group of approximately 50 cards signed by actors and directors, including: Orson Welles, Cecil B. DeMille, Frank Capra, Hattie Williams, Charles W. Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Ellen Terry, David Warfield, Alec Guinness, Mel Brooks, Carol Burnett, Robin Williams, Bill Murray, Jean Stapleton, Henry Winkler, Eddie Cantor, Ralph Bellamy, Maclyn Arbuckly, Helena Modjeska, Spanky McFarland, Martin Landau, Donna Douglas, and Ed Asner, as well as a few unsigned cards, including one from Charlie Chaplin. Some toning; a few are written on the verso of an admirer's card. Most fair to very good. Genral toning; some cards have glue remnants on verso. Most are fair to very good.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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